
Mountain Pacific Health Science Libraries Conference 2021

Adapting to Change in Health Librarianship

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Thank you for a wonderful virtual conference!

The inaugural Mountain Pacific Health Science Libraries Conference was held on February 9-11, 2021 and brought together librarians and information professionals from around the United States and Canada.

The theme of the conference was “Adapting to Change in Health Librarianship”. Health libraries are seen as much more than information gathering places; for many, they are community centers, serving the needs of clinicians, researchers, patients, and members of the public. During times of upheaval, health librarians have a renewed interest in locating material on social injustice, instructional platforms, and newfound ways to search for and evaluate this material.

Conference materials can be accessed on the MPHSL OSF virtual space and session recordings can be viewed on the MPHSL YouTube channel.

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